Rails Farm

Full information about Establishment Rails Farm at Stock Hill Lane, Holwell, Sherborne, Holwell, England DT9 5LE. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


Stock Hill Lane, Holwell, Sherborne, Holwell, England DT9 5LE
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Phone number:
+44 1963 23818



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Rails Farm

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About railsfarm.co.uk

Smallholding Rails Farm near Sherborne in beautiful rural Dorset
Smallholding near Sherborne offering organically grown produce, hay and eggs from free roaming happy hens, ducks and geese. Shetland/alpaca wool. Maths/Science tuition. Short distance to Dorchester, Gillingham, Sturminster Newton, Stalbridge, Yeovil, Shaftsbury and Blandford Forum. Email [email protected]

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Weather in Holwell, England

06.05.2024 13:00 15
06.05.2024 16:00 15
06.05.2024 19:00 13
06.05.2024 22:00 10
07.05.2024 01:00 9
07.05.2024 04:00 8
07.05.2024 07:00 9
07.05.2024 10:00 13
07.05.2024 13:00 15
07.05.2024 16:00 16
07.05.2024 19:00 14
07.05.2024 22:00 9
08.05.2024 01:00 7
08.05.2024 04:00 6
08.05.2024 07:00 8
08.05.2024 10:00 13
08.05.2024 13:00 17
08.05.2024 16:00 18
08.05.2024 19:00 15
08.05.2024 22:00 13